DRU Ecosystem
Property Management
Del Rey Urban Management was formed to provide on the ground property management services for DRU and select clientele. With over 30 years experience as an owner, operator and licensee, our founder, broker and Chairman, Scott A. Chaplan, Esq. understands the cities, markets, players, obstacles and opportunities each market within which we manage faces. In Los Angeles, Kevin, our Property Manager & Security Director, is one of our secret weapons in developing the key relationships, respect from both the tenants and leaders, helping to stabilize and optimize many of our distressed multi-family and commercial assets in Los Angeles, and when needed, out of state. We have developed a bench of trained team members to assist with our expansion. We manage where we know. Review the attendant map, leave your information, and we’ll tell you how we can help you increase your return on investment and protect your assets and equity.

Del Rey Advisory provides business and family office consulting services internationally. Our key skill sets include sourcing and negotiating financing at each tranche, critical affiliates and partners, corporate governance and structure, Virtual Board Member™ services, concierge family member services (relocation, schooling, support) and the panoply of services provided within the DRU Ecosystem™. Our Advisors are also steeped in tax credit procurement, fund management, subsidies, development and entitlements. We strive to save and make you far more than we cost. Your safety and security and that of your family and firm are paramount objectives.

Fund Management
Del Rey Urban Capital, LLC is our fund manager. We have successfully cycled Three (3) residential opportunity funds, Two (2) income property funds and are launching our Seventy-Five Million Dollar ($75,000,000.00) Regulation A, Tier II fund for accredited and non-accredited investors Q1 2023. The DRU Distressed Hybrid Fund will serve as a capital provider, common and preferred equity provider, sponsor and high yield commercial capital provider opportunistically for our own account and those of select operators who survive our arduous vetting process.

Private Equity Portfolio
Del Rey Urban, through DRU PE Holdings, LLC, owns several businesses and/or material interests in commercial enterprises in disparate growth categories including technology, real estate, advisory services, food and beverage, publishing, music and more. Sample holdings include:
Del Rey Urban Brokerage | DRU Holdings | College Thread (Greek House, Threadly, Athletes Thread) | Betterland Foods | Voice Punch | Green & Chaplan | Pentian Book Publishing | Legal Leads Portal
CEO, Scott A. Chaplan, Esq., also serves on the boards of and is otherwise deeply involved in:
Jewish National Fund | Hayward Lumber Company | AIPAC – Real Estate Section

Fund Management How can we help?

Property Management How can we help?

Private Equity Portfolio How can we help?

Commercial Advisory How can we help?